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creatives:flash-en [2015/09/29 11:20] – [Creating Flash banners] avargacreatives:flash-en [2020/07/14 12:54] (current) – removed dtakacs
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-====== Creating Flash banners ====== 
-:!: **Attention! For a guide for banners converted with Swiffy, or created with Adobe Edge or Google Web Developer, please use this documentation: [[]]** 
-===== Important information ===== 
-==== Handling the ClickTAG URL ==== 
-In the case of banner creation it is always needed to use the ''clickTAG'' flashvar or in case of AS3 Flash (andGoa3 codes) the details written in the part of '''' has to be applied, it is important to pay attention to the difference of small and capital letters. If it is necessary to use more ''clickTAG''s, please read the concerning part of this guide. The Adverticum AdServer’s administration page has those kind of functions that help to correct some of the frequent banner mistakes, but we are not taking responsibility for the functioning of not properly created banners. 
-==== Fallback image ==== 
-Along with the finished .swf creatives, substituting images (gif, jpeg, png) can be used that are the same size as the swf file’s. Note: in case of opening banner the size should be equal with the open state of the banner. 
-==== The size of the ads ==== 
-The size of creatives cannot be more than 300 kB. The system allows to upload bigger files but the serving of these costs extra fee.  
-==== Compression ==== 
-It’s important that the system cannot check creatives with LMZA compression, hence Deflate compression option should be used instead of LMZA publishing the creative! 
-Please forward your questions about banner creation to the Adverticum Support Team available on this e-mail address: [[]] 
-You can read more about the settings of Adverticum AdServer's banners [[ | in our Knowledgebase]]. (On this page only Adverticum AdServer users, campaign managers are able to login to view our articles.) 
-===== Actionscript 2 ===== 
-==== Handling clicks in case of one CT URL ==== 
-In the editing phase (.fla) of the Flash file the handling of CT should be handled by calling the getURL function. 
-  * After designing the animation, a new layer should be created with the highest priority. 
-  * On this layer create a rectangular space and and form it into a symbol button. 
-  * Enter into the symbol and make its content transparent. 
-  * Connect the symbol with the function - ''getURL'' and the wanted parameters: 
-<code actionscript> 
-on ( release ) {  
-    getURL( _root.clickTAG, "_blank" ); 
-Implementing the above will result in proper CT measurement in AdServer. Flash banner Clicks (because of the restriction of the Flash plugin) can only open content in a new browser window/tab. 
-==== Több CT URL kezelése Flash bannerben ==== 
-The AdServer is capable of passing several CT URLs to the Flash banner it can be implemented by handling clickTAG1, ''clickTAG2'',etc. variables with ''getURL()'' according to the example above with ''getURL()''. The additional click parameters are sent in flashvars. These need to be set by the campaign manager on the admin interface. 
-==== Handling open start request ==== 
-In our system, it is possible to set that the creative should start open in ceratin intervalls. If this is the case, can be determined with the following example. under the ''if'' statement should be the code handling the start open request. Value of ''openNow'' is always a ''string'', and has the value '''true''' in case the banner should start open. 
-<code actionscript> 
-if (_root.openNow === 'true') { 
-    /*...*/ 
-==== Preparing the Flash file to apply open and close function ==== 
-The Flash file receives the functions to call in flashvars (with '''') to open or close the banner. This can be used for any desired event such as mouseover or click. To open one should use ''openFUNCTION'' while to close ''closeFUNCTION'' functions passed in ''flashvars''. 
-To call close, the code beneath is enough in itself, but it will close instantly. 
-<code actionscript> 
-import flash.external.*; _root.openFUNCTION ); 
-To connect this to the user action of clicking the banner, one of these should be written on the element itself. 
-<code actionscript> 
-on ( release ) {  
-    import flash.external.*; 
- _root.openFUNCTION ); 
-on ( release ) { 
-    import flash.external.*; 
- _root.closeFUNCTION ); 
-==== Passing variables with Flash banners ==== 
-Az AdServer képes paramétereket (HTTP GET) dinamikusan továbbítani a céloldalra. A továbbításhoz egy speciális paraméterre van szükség (fwdparams) az AdServer meghívásakor:  
-The AdServer is capable of passing parameters (''HTTP GET'') dynamicaly to the landing page. For passing them ''fwdparams'' should be set while calling the AdServer. 
-<code actionscript> 
-var fwdparams = 1; 
-var value = 1; 
-getURL( _root.clickTAG, _root.clickTARGET, "GET" ); 
-:!: All the variables of the current scope will be added to the URL. Because the scope of the Button object is always the same as the enclosing MovieClips's scope, and while the example above is called on _root object, all the properties of the _root object will be added in the request. Hence the buttonn scope sould be placed in a separate MovieClip object. 
-=== Restriction === 
-:!: There should be no variable with the name URL, because the request will result in a ''404 Not Found'' response. 
-==== Measuring clicks with 3rd party tracking URL ==== 
-In the examples the Flash variables's name is 'cTrack', and the 'button' is the name of the button that we measure. 
-<code actionscript> 
-button.onRelease = function() {  
-    var loader = new LoadVars();  
-    loader.load(_root.cTrack); 
-<code actionscript> 
-on ( release ) {  
-    var loader = new LoadVars();  
-    loader.load(_root.cTrack); 
-==== Measuring clicks with measuretype-s provided ==== 
-In our example we measure the video start interacion. For this we use a measure type called ''play''. Code sould be placed into the object. 
-<code actionscript> 
-on ( release ) { 
-    import flash.external.*; 
-===== Actionscript 3 - ===== 
-The goal of is to help creating Adverticum AdServer compatible banners. This ActionScriptfile contains all the Adverticum specific solutions that exploit the special features of goa3. It also contains theworkaround solutions with special calls for different browsers.The location of the .as file: 
-==== ActionScript3 vs. Internet Explorer ==== 
-In case of creatives implemented in AS3 given versions of Internet Explorer are not able to handle the click event properly. In case of Goa3 code importing is solving this issue. 
-==== Handlin click in case of one URL ==== 
-Let's say that we have a Button called ''ct'' - actually any InteractiveObject will do. we can attahc click handler with the code beneath: 
-<code actionscript> 
-import AdverticumHelper; 
-AdverticumHelper.bindCTEvent( ct, root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG ); 
-==== Handling multiple URLs ==== 
-In case of several CTs the similar method should be used, only difference is that not only the ''clickTAG'' variable, but as many variables should be forwarded as many click events you would like to use. (so these would take the visitor to different landing pages). 
-Example: in case of two buttons named info and order and two URLs belonging to them: ''clickINFO'' and ''clickORDER''. 
-<code actionscript> 
-import AdverticumHelper; 
-AdverticumHelper.bindCTEvent( order, root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickORDER ); 
-AdverticumHelper.bindCTEvent( info, root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickINFO ); 
-In case of banners with multiple CTs, campaign managers need to know the names of the used variables (according the example above ''clickORDER'' és ''clickINFO'') and that which variable belongs to which click event. The  names  of  the  variables  have  to  be  given  together  with  the  right  URLs  of  the  landing  pages  on  the administration interface, so the clicks could be measured properly. 
-==== Handling open start request ==== 
-In our system, it is possible to set that the creative should start open in ceratin intervalls. If this is the case, can be determined with the following example. under the if statement should be the code handling the start open request. Value of openNow is always a string, and has the value 'true' in case the banner should start open. 
-<code actionscript> 
-var openNow = root.loaderInfo.parameters.openNow; 
-if (openNow === 'true') { 
-    /*...*/ 
-==== Parameter forwarding ==== 
-If you would like to forward the details given on a form in Flash format, then one should pass these parameters to function in a [[ | URLVariables]] object: 
-<code actionscript> 
-import AdverticumHelper;  
-var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
-variables.userName = "guest"; 
-variables.orderItem = "FooBar"; 
-variables.orderTime = new Date().getTime();  
-AdverticumHelper.bindCTEvent( ct, root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG, variables ); 
-In the example above the landing page will receive (after Adverticum AdServer has measured the CT) the values set in variables object in GET parameters: 
-If you would like to handle the event it can be done in the following way: 
-<code actionscript> 
-import AdverticumHelper;  
-var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
-variables.userEmail = ""; 
-variables.userNewsletter = "1";  
-button.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function ( e:MouseEvent ) {   
-    var req:URLRequest = AdverticumHelper.getURLRequest( root, root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickSUBMIT, variables ); 
-    AdverticumHelper.changePage( req, AdverticumHelper.getClickTarget( root )); 
-Because of the Adobe Flash features the order of the variables will not be necessarily the same as it was set in the object, so the creator of the banner should not rely on that! 
-If there are other forward parameters defined in the zone or the banner, these will be forwarded with the rest of the parameters. If one parameter is appearing multiple times, the landing page will receive 2 parameters like that. 
-==== Handling close function ==== 
-<code actionscript> 
-import AdverticumHelper; 
-AdverticumHelper.bindCloseEvent( closeButton ); 
-==== Handling open and close without ==== 
-The Flash file receives the functions to call in flashvars - with '''' - to open or close the banner. This can be used for any desired event such as mouseover or click. To open one should use ''openFUNCTION'',while to close ''closeFUNCTION'', and these functions should be called in flashvars. 
-The following code will close our banner instantly: 
-<code actionscript> 
-import flash.external.ExternalInterface.*;; 
-To connect it to useraction ''click''. 
-<code actionscript> 
-import flash.external.ExternalInterface.*; 
-closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function ( ev: mouseEvent ) { 
-openButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function ( ev: mouseEvent ) { 
-Amendment: to measure events in flash creatives - in case of Flash creatives we need to use the Flash variables. (the campaign managers will need to know the names of flash variables, and the trackingURL created by him/her ('Goa3 AV link'). 
-==== Tracking clicks with 3rd party tracking URLs ==== 
-In the examples the Flash variables's name is 'cTrack', and the 'button' is the name of the button that we measure. 
-<code actionscript> 
-function getFlashVars():Object { 
-    return Object( LoaderInfo( this.loaderInfo ).parameters ); 
-import flash.external.ExternalInterface; 
-function doTrack (e:MouseEvent):void { 
-  var tracker:URLRequest = new URLRequest();  
- tracker.url = getFlashVars().cTrack; 
- tracker.method = URLRequestMethod.GET; 
- var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();  
- loader.load(tracker); 
-this.button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doTrack); 
-==== Measuring clicks with measuretype-s provided ==== 
-In our example we measure the video start interacion. For this we use a measure type called play. Code sould be placed into the object. 
-<code actionscript> 
-import flash.external.*; 
-trackButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function ( ev : MouseEvent ) { 
creatives/flash-en.1443518409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/29 11:20 by avarga